Internship Registration

Internship Program

1. Objective of the Program

For Students: Provide hands-on experience, enhance technical skills, and expose them to real-world applications of their academic knowledge.

For Organization: Leverage fresh ideas, identify potential hires, and complete short-term projects with technical support from interns.

2. Duration and Timing

Duration: Typically, 2-6 months, depending on academic calendars and project complexity.

Timing: Align the program with semester breaks or final-year projects, such as summer (May to July) or winter internships (December to January).

3. Program Structure

a. Pre-Internship Phase (Recruitment & Onboarding)

Eligibility Criteria: Set criteria based on students’ academic year (2nd, 3rd, or 4th year) and specific technical skills (e.g., coding, mechanical design, etc.).

Application Process: Resume submission, followed by technical assessments, group discussions, and interviews to select the best-fit candidates.

Onboarding: Provide an orientation that includes:

  • Company introduction
  • Department/project overview
  • Expectations and objectives of the internship

b. During the Internship (Learning & Project Work)

Initial Training (1-2 weeks):
  • Technical training: Programming languages, tools, or specific technologies related to the field (e.g., Java, Python, CAD, etc.).
  • Soft skills training: Communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

Project Allocation:
  • Real-World Projects: Assign students to ongoing company projects, ensuring their tasks are aligned with their technical skills.
  • Mentorship: Each intern should be paired with a mentor (experienced engineer or project lead) to guide them through their project.
  • Skill Development: Focus on developing skills such as software development, circuit design, data analysis, or automation, depending on the field.
  • Collaborative Work: Encourage teamwork on projects, allowing students to develop interpersonal skills while working in groups.

c. Evaluations and Feedback

Weekly/Monthly Reviews: Mentors should hold regular check-ins to monitor progress and provide constructive feedback.

Mid-Internship Evaluation: Formal performance evaluations at the halfway mark to adjust goals and address areas for improvement.

Final Evaluation: At the end of the program, interns present their projects, and mentors provide a final assessment of their technical and soft skills.

Register for the Internship Program